I first heard of Writing Down the Bones as a teenager who had fallen in love with writing. My best friend, who also loved to write, told me one day about a book that was changing the way she thought about writing. It was the first book about the writing process I'd ever heard of, and though I didn’t read it at the time, the name stuck with me. A decade later, when I realized it was time to start developing my writing skills more seriously, her book was the first I thought of—the first craft book I purchased.
So much of our talk about writing is focused on the end result: publication, success, happy readers, royalties. But first, there is a blank page and a person with a story in their bones—and this is what Writing Down the Bones hones in on so well. In each bite-sized chapter, Goldberg shows us how to get over our insecurities, our tendencies toward procrastination, our writing funks and creative doldrums. Goldberg shows us how to
focus on what is most important in writing: being open and curious as we move through the world, then peeling back our layers to find the essence of what we want to say about it.
Writing Down the Bones holds a special place in my heart. Reading her words feels like a friend slipping their hand into mine. When I decided to feature books about writing on my blog, I didn’t think twice about which book I would choose first—I knew it needed to be Writing Down the Bones. I’m so excited to share and discuss a few of Goldberg’s wise, inspiring words throughout January and February this year.
To get more acquainted with this lovely writer, check out this brief video produced by one of her publishers, Shambhala Publications. And stay tuned for my weekly “Inspiration Friday” posts, in which I will share and discuss a quote from Writing Down the Bones.
Related: "Learning to Write Is Not a Linear Process": Inspiration Friday with WRITING DOWN THE BONES